The Hotel Jerome

Aspen’s Hotel Jerome is an iconic brick landmark in downtown Aspen, Colorado.  Nestled right on Main St. it is hard to miss and is a great waypoint for navigating through town as often directions can be as simple as towards Aspen Mountian or toward the Jerome.  Built in 1889 by Macy’s Department Store Co-owner & Civil War Hero Jerome B. Wheeler, The Hotel Jerome highlights the finer things that are promised when Aspen strikes it rich with silver mining.  All that glitters isn’t gold however and after the silver crash of 1893 it slips into disrepair and becomes a simple boarding house.  Restored in the 1950’s Aspen skiing & cultural renaissance it starts to be rebuilt in Aspen’s new image of mind, body & spirit with a Bahaus sprucing up by Herbert Bayer on behalf of Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke the mother and father of modern Aspen.  By the 1980’s as Aspen turns the corner to glitz and glamour and the hotel follows suit.

The hotel has been a local institution and continues to be welcoming to all.