Doubtful Aspen Ghosts

During my research and discovery of haunted spaces in Aspen, Colorado it’s inevitable that some stories are just a little hard for me to believe.  There are a number of factors that I weigh in consideration of what is truthful and some of these seem to be more built lore than anything else but I will continue to look to see if there is any truth to these down the road.

Mad Bess at the Aspen Country Day School is one spirit I haven’t found much weight behind.  Mainly because it just seems to fit the mold of the boarding school tall tale.

The Ghost Towns of Ashcroft and Independence don’t seem to me to hold any true hauntings, they’re just abandoned buildings.  The only thing that one may experience is the ghosts of times long gone.

Some stories that have been related to me about the hotel Jerome also seem a bit far fetched until I find that historical connection that is were they will remain. While
